As winter trails to an end, the native wildflowers in Perth begin to flush with bursts of colour as they welcome us into spring.

Western Australia’s wildflower season is renowned for its diversity of flora, with many of these waiting to be discovered within the Perth region. Get your cameras at the ready as we explore Perth’s most Instagrammable wildflower hotspots. 

Kings Park and Botanic Garden 

Kings Park is an inner-city botanic mecca with more than 3,000 species of native flora on display. The annual Kings Park Festival takes place in September to celebrate the radiant displays of wildflowers on show. You'll discover special workshops, imaginative art displays, and guided tours to help you explore this 400-hectare native wonderland.

Whilst the whole park is awash in colour, head to the Instagram-crowd favourite of pink everlastings near the Lovekin Dr / Forrest Dr intersection. Don’t leave the park without a photo overlooking the iconic Swan River and Perth CBD skyline near the State War Memorial. You’ll find more information on self-guided Kings Park wildflower walks here

Kings Park  |  Perth City
Kings Park | Perth City

Avon Valley

Escape the city for a taste of country life with a weekend trip to the charming Avon Valley region. You’ll be enchanted by rolling green farmlands on the 90-minute drive from Perth. 

In Toodyay, make a beeline to Pelham Reserve and journey through the 6-kilometres of walking trails. You’ll be drawn to the prolific carpets of pink everlastings that provide a vivid contrast to the bushy woodland surrounds. Nearby in the biodiversity hotspot of Wongamine Reserve, you’ll spy fluffy golden wattle in the bush and native orchards hiding closer to the ground.

Nestled in the centre of the Avon Valley, Northam is home to Clackline Reserve and its popular Flora Trail. While strolling through town, keep an eye out for the colourful street art that pays homage to the rich farming and ballooning history of the area. 

A short drive away is York, a small town known for its beautifully preserved historic buildings, charming cafés and quaint craft stores. For one of the best views in town, head to the Mount Brown Lookout for a 360-degree panoramic sunset. During the day, explore the walking trail that begins at the base of the hill for wildflower spotting. If visiting York in September, don't miss the chance to attend one of the many art, music and cultural events on offer during the two-week York Festival. 

Check out the range of Avon Valley wildflower trails, including two new walking trails in Beverley.

Wongamine Nature Reserve

Araluen Botanic Park

A rainbow of colour awaits in spring at Araluen Botanic Park. You won’t want to put your camera down as you soak up the sight of 120,000 tulips in bloom during the annual Tulip Festival. The vibrant, velvety display is seasonal from August to September. Pack the picnic rug and basket and make the most of the colourful show that awaits in Araluen. 

Araluen Botanic Park  |  Perth Hills
Araluen Botanic Park | Perth Hills

Perth Hills

Head to the hills during spring and you’ll be delighted by a variety of landscapes brimming with colour. 

In John Forrest National Park you'll see a variety of wildflowers on the aptly named 4.5-kilometre Wildflower Walk Trail. Waterfall chasers should take the optional scenic detour past Hovea Falls, one of the park’s two waterfalls that flow in winter and spring. 

For more waterfall adventures, get snap-happy at the spectacular Lesmurdie Falls. Traverse the wildflower-dotted trail to the very base of the falls for the best snap of the cascading water. Lions Lookout in Lesmurdie is home to one of Perth’s most Instagrammable sunset spots. Visit in spring to see it carpeted in colour, a striking contrast to the golden glow of sunset peeking behind the city skyline in the distance.

Find more information on the Perth Hills wildflower trails here.

Canola Fields in York

The canola crop tends to bloom around the wildflower season from mid-August into September. It is difficult not to miss the shockingly bright golden carpets of canola lining the roadside on the drive into the Avon Valley. It is illegal to enter private roadside canola fields, so we recommend heading to PetTeet Park - a Canola for Tourism location that has been specifically developed for visitors to walk through canola and take photos.

Wildflower Conservation & Photo Tips

Our native wildflowers are delicate and need to be protected to ensure we can all enjoy them for years to come. Be careful where you tread – stick to marked trails where possible. Picking our native wildflowers is illegal and can attract a $2,000 fine.  

To level up your Instagram game, try framing the wildflowers from a low level to add depth and density to your photos. If you crouch low behind a patch of wildflowers, it can create the illusion of sitting in a carpet of blooms without damaging the wildflowers.

Canola Field  |  York
Canola Field | York

Share your wildflower photos with us on Instagram by tagging #SeePerth!

Article written by: Tess Moone, Tessomewhere.