Avon Valley Cycle Trails
Discover Stunning Scenery Cycling Around the Avon Valley.
Kep Track - Mundaring to Northam
The multi-use Kep Track uses the rail formation between Mundaring in the Perth Hills, to Northam, in the Avon Valley. The trail can take anywhere from a one to two hour walk, a bush outing for you and your horse, or a cycle adventure of several days. The track is aligned to the Golden Pipeline Drive Trail, following part of CY O'Connor’s pipeline which continues from Mundaring Weir to Kalgoorlie.
There are trail heads at Mundaring Weir and Northam, and multiple access points which means walkers from any level (from strollers to end-to-enders) are catered for. Riders can park and ride from pretty much any town along the way. The Track passes through the communities of Mundaring, Sawyers Valley, Mount Helena, Wundowie, Bakers Hill, and Clackline. Those who want to go end-to-end can source suitable accommodation through the visitor centres.
Avon River Cycle Trail - York
Follow the flight path of the herons that live beside the Avon River in York on The Heron's Highway - whilst you won't get airborne, there are fabulous views of the two mountains for those who venture furthest! The trail is 7 kilometres and you will take in some amazing sights including the Suspension Bridge, Holy Trinity Rectory, Kairey Cottage, Marwick's Shed, Stone Grane, Bilya - The Avon River, the Cemetery and Walwalying just to name a few.
A wander along the west bank of the Avon River. The West Side Story trail is 3.4 kilometres and you will take in some amazing sights including the Suspension Bridge, Peacock's Forge Site, McKay's Tannery, Brickworks Site, Mile Pool Corroboree Site and Mosely's Cordial Factory just to name a few. See the map for a detailed list of all sites.