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Website Display Advertising Media Kit

Promote your business on through paid content advertising and reach over 1.5 million users who visit our website annually.

Our website provides a targeted platform for showcasing your business to our visitors who are actively seeking places to stay and things to do in Perth. Utilising a 'native content' ad format, our display advertising seamlessly integrates your message into our website's look and feel, presenting it as genuine content. Research indicates that this approach fosters increased readership, trust, and click-through rates, ensuring maximum impact for your advertising efforts. We offer a tailored suite of page-specific and run-of-site options, designed to enhance your business’s visibility on our website. 

Please see below the content requirements and examples for each advertising option.

Advertising Creative Guidelines

  • We encourage submitting images that are high resolution, landscape and feature people experiencing your product.
  • Ads should appear as native content on our website - this should be considered when writing your advertising copy.
  • Where possible, please ensure that the URL you provide is a landing page that relates specifically to the message of the advertisement and provides a direct path for bookings.

Premium Run of Site

Premium Run of site ads appear on all content pages, event listings, blogs with 8 units available rotating over 3 placements per page. 

  • Image - (550w x 350h)
  • Headline (40 characters)
  • Body Copy (120 characters)
  • Click-through URL

Spotlight Run of Site

Spotlight Run of site ads appear on all content pages, event listings, blogs with 20 units available rotating over 10 placements per page. 

  • Image (550w x 350h)
  • Headline (40 characters)
  • Body Copy (80 characters)
  • Click-through URL

Premium Page Sponsor

Premium page sponsor ads sit at the top of high traffic pages of our website, and advertiser's product and message is hyper relevant to the page content. 

  • Image (560w x 355h)
  • Headline (35 characters)
  • Body Copy (110 characters)
  • Click-through URL

Featured Business Listing

Featured Business Listing option pushes the advertiser's business listing to the top of the business listing directory widget on the page and adds a direct link to their website.

  • Click-through URL

Featured Business Listing View

Next Steps

To book your display advertising, complete and return the order form and send to